13 Apr 2017
Supervisory Board meeting
During the last fifteen months the ELI-DC and the ELI-Pillars have been intensively involved in activities leading to decisions necessary to prepare the ground for ELI to become an ERIC. Over the same period, the members of the ELI-Delivery Consortium have been deeply involved in negotiations at national and European levels in view of the accomplishment of the objectives set in that regard. ELITRANS supported all these activities.
At the occasion of the preparation of the mandatory mid-term report to the EC, the Supervisory Board met again on April 13th 2017, with the objective of proceeding with the final review and the approval of the Technical Mid-Term Report of ELITRANS.
The discussions about the start of the ELI-ERIC and of its ways to interact with the scientific and industrial stakeholders will continue, and will help ELI and the European laser community to achieve novel results to the benefit of the whole European Research Area, offering new perspectives in laser science and technology for the world.